Warburg Realty: Experts On The High-End
Warburg Realty has provided luxury real estate services since 1896. While always looking ahead, Warburg specializes in the needs of discerning customers who are in the market for premier residential properties. Proficiency, thorough market research, and years of experience have positioned Warburg to be leaders in premium Manhattan market.
Warburg Realty has distinguished itself in the vanguard of tech-savvy real estate companies.
Warburg Represents some of the most competitive agents in the nation. Warburg’s longstanding CEO is one of New York’s most frequently quoted experts on the evolving luxury real estate scene.
Allison Chiaramonte and Tania work together at Warburg Realty. Alli has been recognized as a rising star, specializing in the Upper East Side, but experienced in all areas of Manhattan. In 2019, Alli ranked the #1 Producing agent firm-wide. Widely respected by her colleagues, Alli brings an enhanced understanding of luxury marketing, design aesthetics, negotiation strategy, and best-in-class customer service.
Alli & Tania were seeking to position their personal brands to become legendary real estate agents in one of the World most iconic housing markets, Manhattan. With incredible reputations and the expertise and sales records to back their influencer selling some of New York City’s most prestigious homes , Alli and Tania were seeking to position themselves and become social media selling powerhouses, particularly through Instagram branding and marketing. Both agents needed a strategy to map out and recreate a vision and growth plan that could help them close more deals and sell more homes.
Allison (Alli) was ranked Warburg Realty's #1 Top Producer in 2019 and has been recognized as a rising real estate star by numerous publications since joining the firm in 2017. As a native New Yorker, with a real estate attorney and a real estate investor/manager for parents, Alli has been honing her passion for New York City real estate since birth.
Alli’s has had the unique experience of experiencing multiple neighborhoods, including Carnegie Hill, Midtown, Chelsea, the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side from the vantage points of a child, graduate student, renter and working professional. Now as a parent of three small children, Alli is a homeowner on the Upper East Side.

Tania Isacoff Friedland has closed over $1 billion in sales over the course of her career and was ranked amongst Warburg Realty’s Top 10 Producers firm-wide in 2019, her first year at the company. Prior to Warburg and starting her independent real estate business, Tania worked for many years on an award-winning team at another top brokerage in NYC.
Her professionalism and technical skills are unmatched as she demonstrates extraordinary commitment to every search, and she is always dialed into the pulse of the market. Together with an instinctive ability to distill information and a creative yet efficient approach to managing content, Tania practically redefines high touch, bespoke service at the luxury level. The majority of Tania’s business comes from repeat clients and referrals.